Counselor Files: Josh Stocks

Well, ladies and gentlemen, this is going to be the first EVER double-whammy on Counselor Files (mostly due to forgetfulness on my part, oops!). Josh first went to work at camp in the summer of 2017, and completed my Counselor Files questionnaire in April 2018. This week we will hear all about his experiences from his first summer at camp, and sometime in the near-distant future (so long as I don’t forget, again!), we will hear all about his experiences as a returner to camp.

So, over to Josh.


1. What is your name? Did you have a camp nickname?

Hello!!! My name is Josh! Before camp, I dreamed that my nickname would be the Stocksinator. You know, like the Terminator. The kids had other ideas, however! I was christened as ‘Skittles’ during Session 3 because I died my hair bleach blonde. Why Skittles? ‘Because you’re Eminem’s off brand brother, skittles’ the kids would say. That’s the story I’ve explained to just about everyone since I came home as it is on my camp hoodie!

2. What did you do at camp?

At camp, I was the notorious Fencing Counselor. That’s right, I built fences! No… that joke didn’t work with the campers either. My 8 weeks of fun was largely spent teaching the children the art of sword fighting! It’s not the most fun activity in the world, however I tried to make it fun by incorporating games like sword fighting in the lake! That was pretty cool. I was also a Cabin Counselor for Cabin 5, where all the campers in the cabin were all aged between 10 and 11.


3. Are you returning to camp? If so, are you going to teach the same activity?

I am returning to camp, how could I not?! This year however I’m not going to be found sharpening my swords but I’ll be found on stage instead as I’m going to be teaching Drama! I felt Fencing was a one year activity for me and with Drama, I feel like I can have more freedom with the activity!

4. You were hired at a job fair. How did you find the experience and do you have any tips for people thinking of attending a future camp fair?

I was hired at a job fair, I was hand picked by Ellie herself! If I’m being honest, the job fair was very overwhelming for me. I didn’t do enough research on which camps to go to and I kind of went into my shell during the fair. I find myself very lucky that I somebody saw me looking lost and spoke to me! My tips for people thinking of going to a camp fair would be:
1. Do your research!
2. Be YOU! Camps don’t just look for extroverts, they look for introverts too!
3. If they ask you to dance, dance! If they ask you to sing, sing! But be prepared that they may ask you that!

5. How did you prepare yourself for your first summer at camp?

I read as many blogs as I could find. I find that these are crucial to getting to know what life is like at camp (even thought it’s impossible to put into words!). They are reporting first hand! My whole preparation was about getting to know myself, imagining scenarios and how I’d be. I was so excited. I am a positive person so I was expecting the best. I was preparing for camp with my eyes open ready for anything and expecting everything!

6. You work at an all boys camp. How do you think things would differ working at a co-ed camp?

The all-boys camp I work at is pretty different as there is a sister camp close by and we see each other at least once a week. I do think it would be very different at a co-ed camp! I imagine that the social interactions at a co-ed camp would be so different! I think working at an all boys/girls camp allows you to totally get behind something -at girl camps is very much all about ‘girl power’ and at boys camps it is very much ‘boys will be boys!’.


7. A little birdy told me you won runner up for the Counselor of year 2017 award . What do you think made you stand out from the crowd to come second for such a prestigious award?

I was runner up indeed! It was a huge honour to receive runner up for such a prestigious award especially in my first year at camp. At camp I gave 100% every single day, I was loud and passionate but also listened to the campers and talked to them! At my camp we have 3 tribes and I have a lot of tribal spirit for the Pequots, which I think some of the older campers respect especially if they have been there for a number of years. You need to remember this is there second home and you have to respect it! Give 100% every day and be you!

8. What is your favourite camp memory?

That is a tough one because you are making memories every single day! I was surprised at how many raw emotions you feel at camp. Before camp I felt I wouldn’t be competitive because I didn’t know if there was anything during the summer that bring out my competitive edge, but the tribal games did! You really want to win! However my favourite camp memory is tied!

My first favourite memory was Water Sports day. This event is the one that everyone at camp looks forward too… a historic day. The girls vs the boys in a race to the finish line. The boys were dressed as hippies and the girls were dressed as Indian princesses. The atmosphere was electric with both camps singing songs and the weather was amazing too! The boys lost the previous years race after 16 years without defeat, so they just had to win! The race was so close and the girls took a decent lead before the boys fought back and won! The atmosphere was like a football game, I even shed a tear!

My second favourite memory has to be on one of the last nights of camp. Everyone lights a candle and places it somewhere around camp, in their favourite place. It’s a night full of emotions. I was sat with a couple of campers at the waterfront and one of them said “I love it here”, and it made me think what an amazing summer it had been.


9. How has camp changed your life?

How has camp changed my life… well I talk about it every day to start with. No joke! As a person I feel more confident, I go into everything as strong as a bear! It’s made me love life completely, as you really do appreciate everything when you are away from home. At camp there’s a motto which is “camp is for the campers” and back home I feel like “life is for everybody” so I try to make the best of everyday! It’s also been so cool to see everyone around England from camp! You become brothers with these people so it is cool to see them back home. I’ve met up 2/3 times with people from camp and it’s been amazing!

10. How have you found the application process for camp the second time around?Which agency did you go with and why?

I went with Camp America again this year and it’s been much easier second time around! The first time I was so unorganised but they helped me through everything. This time I decided to be a lot more organised for peace of mind and it’s been great. The contact between myself and Camp America has been fantastic. They have been there every step of the way if I needed help. They also have a great social media presence too, which is great to see.

11. What are you most looking forward to this summer when you are back at camp?

My camp director, Pauline, said in a staff meeting that every year when camp is over she misses the “buzz” and if she could bottle it up, she would. The “buzz” is general camp noise. Boys arguing over silly stuff, laughing together, playing cards, showing Counselors new things and telling them about there day. I can’t wait for the buzz again! I also can’t wait to meet the new counsellors and have a fantastic summer with them. Finally, the view over Bantam Lake (where my camp is located) is simply amazing and I can’t wait to be stood looking across that lake again!


There you go guys, the man, the myth, the legend. Josh is definitely one of the most enthusiastic and hard working Counselors I have ever met, and he definitely brings a smile to everyone’s face at camp! Stay tuned for the second instalment coming soon to find out more about Josh’s second summer at camp, and find out where he came in the Counselor of the Year awards 2018!


Here is one from my own personal collection… not sure what I said but it must have been funny!

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